Telling a Story - Module overview
Founder and teacher at GDQuest
A quick refresher on arrays and dictionaries

What you'll learn in this module
- Control nodes: There are two ways to position UI elements in Godot and you can combine them to build any interface.
- The Label node: It will allow you to display and animate text to appear letter by letter.
- The AudioStreamPlayer node: You will use it to load and play sounds.
- Arrays: You will store lines of text and display them in order in a dialogue system.
- Dictionaries: You will map the names of character expressions to their corresponding images.
- Dictionaries inside arrays: You will learn how to combine them to build more complex data structures.
- Theming: You will style and customize your UI using Godot's UI theme feature.
- Iterative design: You will learn how to start with a simple structure and change it in little increments until you get all the features you need.
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Founder and teacher at GDQuest

- You will use the bubble_pattern.png and sliding_background.gdshader files to create the background of your scene.
- pink.png and sophia.png are two character portraits without any expression or facial feature. This is so you can add facial expressions to them.
- emotion_happy.png, emotion_regular.png, and emotion_sad.png are facial expressions to layer on top of the Sophia and Pink sprites.
- talking_synth.ogg is the sound (in ogg format)you'll play when a character speaks. It's a CC-By-Sa licensed sound made by tcarisland. The license is in talking_synth.license.txt.
- Finally, test.svg is a test image you will use as a backdrop guide to learn more about Control nodes and Godot's UI anchor system.
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