Changelog: Learn 3D Gamedev From Zero with Godot 4

This changelog lists all the new features, content, improvements, and fixes added in every course release that are relevant to you.
What do the version numbers mean?
The version numbers are split into three (for example. 0.4.2) to follow a standard convention in game and software development.
In this course, the first number indicates whether the course got out of early access. If it is 0, it is still in early access, and 1 means it got out of early access and can be considered complete and stable (we will still make improvements after that point).
The second number going up indicates the addition of new content, new features, or substantial improvements. That can also come with fixes.
The third number going up means the release mostly brings corrections and bug fixes.

Version 0.11.0

Released on February 26, 2025
This version includes several fixes and clarifications for M3. Gobot the Sorcerer. It also adds M5.L4: Jumping and Falling, where you'll learn to implement air movement for your first-person character.
You do not need to re-download the project files for this update. You can stick with the Godot files from the previous releases.
M3. Gobot the Sorcerer
  • M3.L6: Fixed formatting issues and corrected filename typos for better clarity
  • M3.L7: Removed incorrect type declaration in code reference to prevent errors
  • M3.L8: Fixed scene saving instructions by specifying the full path
  • M3.L8: Corrected the type definition of the _on_hit() function argument

Version 0.10.0

Released on February 17, 2025
This release adds one new lesson in M5. Turn On The Lights, a bunch of added content to existing modules, and in particular, troubleshooting for the strange behavior of the "next step" button which happens occasionally to some users in tour 103.
M2. Get to Know 3D
  • M2: Added video screencasts of all four tours as a fallback option
  • M2: Added troubleshooting guide for disappearing "next step" button issue
  • M2: Fixed bubble dragging bug (the bubble could stay attached to the mouse cursor in some cases when dragging it) and added editor bounds limitation so the bubble cannot go outside the editor window
  • M2.Tour 104: Fixed moving platform configuration warnings and corrected node name references in step 30
M3. Gobot the Sorcerer
  • M3.L4: Added callout about the use of is_zero_approx() function
  • M3.L5: Added callout explaining differences between transform, basis, and global basis
  • M3.L5.P3: Fixed broken link
M5. Turn On The Lights
  • M5.L1: Added early access disclaimer bubble
  • M5: Restored interactable items in solution project

Version 0.9.0

Released on February 9, 2025
This release brings:
  1. The first 2 lessons in M5. Turn On The Lights
  2. Improvements across modules 3 and 4
We've added new content about bit flags and binary numbers and made changes based on your feedback.
We've prioritized producing several modules for the 2D course in the couple of months leading to this release because those modules are a prerequisite to follow the 3D course comfortably. From here on, we'll flesh out the two courses in parallel, and you can expect content to come out regularly in this course.
M3. Gobot the Sorcerer
  • M3.L5: Clarified camera-related Q&A section and fixed minor typos
  • M3.L6: Removed incorrect formatting of the word "Control" when referring to nodes
  • M3.L7: Fixed wand node class implementation
  • M3.L8: Added a new section explaining bit flags and binary numbers
  • M3.SG1: Improved explanation of input handling for clarity
M4. Patrol, Alert, Attack!
  • M4.L3: Revised text to better explain error handling practices
  • M4.L4: Improved phrasing and fixed typos
  • M4.L5: Corrected typo in example code (SateName → StateName)
  • M4.L6: Fixed various typos throughout the lesson
  • M4.L9: Corrected wrong indentations and ensured proper variable assignment timing in _ready()
  • M4.L11: Fixed scene/file names and corrected script name references
  • M4: Updated AI script to better follow GDScript style guide
  • M4: Removed unnecessary duplicate file
  • M4: Fixed incorrect animation association for gobot skin

Version 0.8.0

Released on October 20, 2024
This release introduces two new lessons in Module 4. You'll learn how to handle the player dying and create a third mob all by yourself.
M4. Patrol, Alert, Attack
  • M4.L3: Added a question callout about Callable.bind() functionality
  • M4.L9: Enhanced with new callouts, challenges, and a code reference
M3. Gobot the Sorcerer
  • M3.SG2: Integrated the input cheat sheet into the module. It is available as a new study guide.
  • M3.L4: Now links to both the input study guide and the new input cheat sheet
  • M3.L4: Removed a duplicate image

Bug Fixes

  • M3.L4: Removed a duplicate image

Version 0.7.0

Released on October 7, 2024
This release introduces a new lesson in Module 4 that allows mobs to take damage and die. It also includes improvements to existing content and documentation fixes.
There are new glossary entries for terms like Duck Typing, and more. There are about 154 in total now.
This release does not require any changes to the projects you have already downloaded.

Version 0.6.0

Released on September 30, 2024
This release updates the course to Godot 4.3 and introduces a new lesson, M4.L8. It also includes improvements to existing content and documentation fixes.
M3. Gobot the Sorcerer
  • M3: Fixed issue where GobotSkin3D documentation was not appearing in the editor's help
  • M3.L5: Added a callout explaining how a plane is constructed, represented, and the 'd' value
  • M3.L8: Improved clarity around the concept of "friendly fire"
  • Added open source license files to projects

Version 0.5.1

Released on September 22, 2024
This release addresses a crash that would affect some users on some systems in M2.
M2. Get to Know 3D
  • M2: fixed crash on some systems when first activating the tours project.
  • M2: Remove Windows-specific warning about crashes on Windows and needing a manual editor restart.

Version 0.5.0

Released on September 20, 2024
This release updates the course content to be compatible with Godot 4.3 stable. It includes various improvements across multiple modules, bug fixes, and improved explanations based on your feedback.
We reworked GDPractice, our Godot practice plugin, to fix a bug when resetting practices that would link files from the practice reference and make it difficult to complete the practices.
There are new glossary entries for terms like Game AI, and more. There are about 150 in total now.
M2. Get to Know 3D
  • M2: Updated instructions for compatibility with Godot 4.3
  • M2.102.b: Rephrased explanation about metallic value changes
M3. Gobot the Sorcerer
  • M3: Renamed _world_plane variable to _ground_plane in Module 3 for better description
  • M3: Corrected error in ice spikes shader embedded in ice spikes scene
  • M3.L5: Fixed typo
  • M3.L6: Removed extra '/' character from folder path
  • M3.L6: Updated picture of collision shape inspector to match text
  • M3.L6.P1: Added new test to ensure bullet deletion
  • M3.L8: Updated troubleshooting point about crashes to be system agnostic
  • M3.L8: Replaced incorrect video clip showing setup of hurtbox instead of hitbox node
M4. Patrol, Alert, Attack
  • M4: Redesigned project icon
  • M4.L3: Renamed occurrences of set_state() to set_current_state()
  • M4.L6: Corrected path to player script
  • M4.L7: Added challenge and practice sections

Version 0.4.0

Released on August 30, 2024
This update brings three new lessons in M4, Patrol, Alert, Attack. In these lessons, you learn to create a finite state machine system for ai mobs.
M3. Gobot the Sorcerer
  • M3.L4: write lesson, update AI.Events, fix crash with anonymous lambdas on player death
  • M3.L5: rewrite section about turning the character's legs to use simpler code
  • M3.L5.P2: fix last test, prevent from passing the practice when omitting the left mouse click check
  • M3.L6: clarify which files should be edited.
  • M3.L7: correct randf_range() function name in lesson text
  • M3.L8: add callout to recap why hit and hurt boxes have two properties to filter what detects them and what they detect
  • M3.L8: add troubleshooting point about potential crashes with @tool on MacOS on the projectile script
M4. Patrol, Alert, Attack
  • M4.L3.P1: ensure last test doesn't pass if the bullet faces in the opposite direction as the turret

Version 0.3.0

Released on August 19, 2024
This update brings the first three lessons of M4, Patrol, Alert, Attack. In this module, you'll code three mobs that can look at the player, shoot projectiles, have a cone of vision, chase the player, and attack using different patterns.
Heads up! Module 4 is expected to have 10 lessons. So it's not over yet!
Starting this module we will be releasing lessons gradually, one at a time. This allows us to push lessons out to you more frequently and iterate faster on your feedback.
If you prefer to wait until the complete module is released with all the lessons, keep an eye/ear out for the usual announcement. You can subscribe to course updates by clicking the button in the Stay Tuned section, or join our discord server.
M3. Gobot the Sorcerer
  • M3: Remove comment mentioning obsolete ray length in a script.
  • M3: make hit and hurtbox icons larger in the editor to match other icon sizes.
  • M3.L2: update filename to save the player scene for consistency.
  • M3.L3: merge two paragraphs that explained the max shadow rendering distance.
  • M4.L3: correct typo.
  • M3.L3: specify under which node to add the directional light and world environment nodes.
  • M3.L4: update mention of kill plane, we'll add it in a later module.
  • M3.L4: correct two typos.
  • M3.L5: Add instructions to activate the GDQuest Practices plugin to access practices in Godot.
  • M3.L5: remove plus sign in code listing causing indentation to shift visually.
  • M3.L6.P1: remove bullet skin from practice start state.
  • M3.L6: remove duplicate instruction to create projectile script.
  • M3.L6: correct code typos in callout about visualizing visual effects in the editor.
  • M3.L6: complete incomplete sentence in practice 1 description.
  • M3.L6.P1: remove obsolete requirement from task list on the web page.
  • M3.L7.P1: correct typo in test description.
  • M3.L7: correct code comment referring to the wand instead of the player.
  • M3.L7.P1: add bullet skin to practice start state.
  • M3.L7: correct error in sentence order when assigning wand transform to the projectile's transform.
  • M3.L7: add challenge to scale the projectile over time, add instruction to acceleration challenge.
  • M3.L8: make the code style for constants for hit and hurtbox collision layers consistent.
  • M3.L8: make the text about slowing down time in a question and answer consistent with the code.
  • M3.L8: correct signal names referring to area signals instead of hit and hurtbox signals.
  • M3.L8: add two challenges to the lesson.
M2. Getting to Know 3D
  • Tour 103: fix: run current scene, not project main scene.
  • Add page with the early access outline to see upcoming modules.

Version 0.2.1

Released on July 4, 2024
This update brings minor fixes and improvements to the course content.
M3. Gobot the Sorcerer
  • M3.L1: replace intro video.
  • M3.L5: remove constant PROJECT_RAY_LENGTH that would lengthen the projected mouse ray as it's not necessary to calculate the plane intersection.
  • M3.L5: add callout about visualizing the plane used to project the mouse position into the game.
  • M3.L6: update the optional code and explanation to preview projectile visuals in the editor to avoid an error later in the module.
  • M3.L7: correct typo in question callout.

Version 0.2.0

Released on July 2, 2024
This update brings the third module of the course, Gobot the Sorcerer. In it, you'll code a character controller in a 3D action game with a fixed overhead camera and spell firing mechanics.
Other changes:
M2. Getting to Know 3D
  • Refine phrasing in all tours, correct typos.
  • Rename Lever node to Lever3D.
  • Correct link to changing rendering engine user guide.
  • Correct typo in tour 104.b.
  • 104.c: add reminder that you can use shift to snap to 0.1-meter increments.

Version 0.1.0

Released on April 30 2024
The first early access release of the course brings the first two modules. It introduces 3D concepts through interactive tours.
  • M1. Introduction.
  • M2. Getting to Know 3D.

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