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Detects when things enter and exit it

Use it when

You want to create a perimeter that warns you when objects enter or exit it


  • Attaching a hurt box to a character so it can take damage
  • Attracting coins to the player when in range
  • Opening a chest when standing next to it and pressing a button
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Controls what's on-screen in a 2d scene

Use it when

You need to control the game view, make the view follow an entity, zoom in and out, or shake the screen


  • Making the view follow the player character with or without an offset
  • Shaking the screen when the player takes a hit
  • Zooming the view in and out to keep multiple entities on screen
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Lets you code custom character movement

Use it when

You want to create a character or enemy that collides with the game world and moves in a specific way


  • Coding a side scroller character that can stomp enemies
  • Making your character stand on moving platforms
  • Creating a top down character that can push objects
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GPUParticles2D draws textures to create visual effects

Use it when

You want to create an explosion, fire, smoke, or other visual effects.


  • Creating dust puffs when a character lands on the ground
  • Making a torch or campfire with flames
  • Creating a trail behind a character moving fast
  • Making a special attack charging effect
  • Creating a healing beam
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Line2d draws lines

Use it when

You need to draw lines, curves, or trails in your game.


  • Creating a trail for bullets or projectiles
  • Drawing a trajectory for a homing missile
  • Creating a tether between two objects
  • Drawing a path for a character to follow
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Fires a ray that detects collisions

Use it when

You need to detect if and where a line intersects with physics bodies


  • Firing a laser beam that splashes on impact or that mines resources
  • Giving a line of sight to an enemy
  • Making an enemy or NPC detect obstacles in its path and steer around them
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Creates rows and columns for your UI

Use it when

You need to arrange UI nodes in rows or columns


  • Aligning the options vertically in a menu
  • Arranging the player's Heads-Up Display along the top of the screen
  • Displaying a form where the player can enter their account name and password
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Draws a button the player can press

Use it when

You need a button to start an action, make a choice, or provide information


  • Navigating to different sub-menus from a game's main menu
  • Displaying items you can click and buy in a shop
  • Selecting a weapon or a skill by clicking on it in a shortcut bar
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Displays simple text

Use it when

You want to display text, and you don't need formatting or special effects


  • Displaying dialogue lines that appear letter by letter
  • Showing the names of items and prices in a shop
  • Showing the player's score or the number of coins they have
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Displays formatted and animated text

Use it when

You want to display large amounts of text with formatting, animations, or interactions


  • Displaying game dialogs with colored, bold, or animated text
  • Creating a chat log in a multiplayer game
  • Displaying a tooltip when the player hovers over a keyword
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Plays and queues handmade animations

Use it when

You need animations that have a known start and end point, and you want to control the timing of the animation


  • Fading the screen to black
  • Designing an explosion animation for a weapon
  • Creating a gun reload animation
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Plays sound and music

Use it when

You need to play any audio in the game


  • Playing background music or looping ambiances
  • Playing footsteps sounds in sync with a character's animation
  • Playing voice-overs for dialogues
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Counts time and triggers events

Use it when

You need to count time, delay code execution, or trigger events after a set amount of time once or repeatedly


  • Creating a cooldown time for a special ability
  • Spawning enemies at regular time intervals
  • Implementing a game timer that you can pause and resume
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Animates properties procedurally

Use it when

You want to animate a property of a node, and you don't know the start or end points of the animation in advance


  • Animating items the player collects in the game world flying towards the user interface
  • Animating cards moving from a deck to different positions in the player's hand
  • Moving a character to the position of a mouse click in a point-and-click game
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