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Uploading your Godot project files for support

To help you, we sometimes need to open and investigate your project files directly in Godot. For that, we need you to compress your project as a ZIP file and upload and share the file with us.
In this guide, you will learn:
  1. Which files to compress as a ZIP archive to help you.
  2. How to create a ZIP file on Windows, macOS, and Linux.
  3. How to upload the ZIP file to a free file sharing service and share the download link with us.

How to know which files you should ZIP

When you have an issue with a given Godot project, we need you to ZIP and upload the corresponding Godot project folder. It will typically be a workbook project.
For example, if you are stuck in the fourth lesson of M4. To Space and Beyond in Learn 2D Gamedev From Zero with Godot 4, the folder to compress as a ZIP file is 04.to_space and beyond workbook.
What is a ZIP file?
A ZIP file is a compressed copy of multiple files and folders brought together into a single file. It's a common way to distribute files over the internet because it reduces the total file size and makes it easier to share.

How to create a ZIP file

The steps to create a ZIP file are a bit different depending on the operating system you use. Click the callout corresponding to your system for the relevant steps:
Creating a ZIP file on Windows
To create a ZIP file on Windows, you can use the built-in File Explorer:
  1. Navigate to the folder in File Explorer where you want to ZIP.
  2. Right-click the folder to ZIP to bring up the context menu and choose Send toCompressed (zipped) Folder
Windows will create a ZIP file with the same name as the folder in the same location.
Creating a ZIP file on macOS
To create a ZIP file on macOS, you can use the macOS Finder:
  1. Open Finder and navigate to the folder you want to compress.
  2. Right-click the folder you want to turn into a ZIP archive and choose Compress [Folder Name]
The system will create a ZIP file in the same location as the folder.
Creating a ZIP file on Linux
On Linux, the steps can vary depending on the distribution you use and your file browser. In many file browsers, you can right-click on a folder and choose an option to compress it into a ZIP file. For example, in the Nautilus file browser (used in Ubuntu), you can right-click a folder and choose Compress....
Alternatively, you can do it with the terminal using the zip program:
  1. Open the terminal. On many distributions, you can do this by searching for "Terminal" in your applications menu or by pressing ctrlaltt.
  2. Use the cd command to navigate to the folder you want to ZIP. For example, if your folder is in the Documents directory, you would type cd Documents.
  3. Use the zip command followed by the name you want to give your ZIP file and the name of the folder you're compressing. For example, to ZIP a folder named my_folder, you would type:
    zip -r my_folder
    • The -r option tells the program to compress everything in the folder, including subfolders and their contents.
You might need to install the zip utility if the zip command is not found. On Ubuntu or Debian-based distributions, you can install it by running:
sudo apt install zip

Uploading and sharing the file

Once you've created the ZIP file, you need to upload it somewhere before you can share the download link with us. Currently, you need to upload it to a free file-sharing website.
Both Google Drive and WeTransfer are good options for sharing ZIP files.
How to upload the ZIP file to Google Drive
To upload the ZIP file on Google Drive:
  1. Go to Google Drive and sign in with your Google account.
  2. Once you're looking at your Google Drive, drag and drop the ZIP file from your computer into the browser window to upload it. A pop-in will appear at the bottom to show the upload progress.
  3. Once the file is uploaded, left-click on the uploaded file to open its page.
  4. Click the Share button on the file page to open the sharing settings. On desktop, the button is at the top-right. This opens a pop-up.
  5. Make sure that the General Access option is set to Anyone with the link. It will allow anyone with the link to download the file.
  6. Click the Copy link button to copy the download link to your clipboard.
You can now paste the download link in your message to us.
How to upload the ZIP file to WeTransfer
WeTransfer is a website that allows you to upload files up to 2GB for free without creating an account.
To upload the ZIP file on WeTransfer:
  1. Go to
  2. Click on the I agree button to accept WeTransfer's terms and conditions and privacy policy.
  3. Click on the + Upload files button to add files.
  4. Navigate to and select your ZIP file.
  5. Click the three dots next to the Transfer button to reveal upload options, and click the Get transfer link radio button. This will allow you to get a download link without entering any email addresses.
  6. Click the Get a link button to upload your file. WeTransfer will upload your file and then show you a download link.
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