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Useful Godot editor settings

Godot comes with a long list of editor settings you can change to tune how the program behaves.
In this guide, we go over some very useful settings you might want to tweak to make your experience smoother and more enjoyable. We will go over:
  • The display scale setting to zoom in and out of the user interface and make it more comfortable to read.
  • The theme options to make the editor light, dark, or change the primary color.
  • The type hints autocomplete options which adds type hints to many code suggestions, giving you better error reporting and performance improvements.
  • The auto complete delay setting which makes the complete suggestions appear faster and make the coding experience feel more responsive.
  • The idle parse delay controls the time The editor waits to check your code for errors after you paused typing. It also helps to balance responsiveness.
To get started, you'll need to open a Godot project. Any project will do.
Open the editor, and then click on the EditorEditor Settings... menu option.
The editor settings drop-down menu option

Display scale

The first useful setting to tune is the display scale: It controls how small or big every part of the editor is. It's like your zoom setting in the web browser.
You can find it as soon as the Editor Settings window opens in the large panel on the right.
The Display Scale editor setting on the right
By default, Godot should try to match your system settings or pick a default scale based on your monitor resolution. But you may still want to make things a bit bigger to make them more readable or smaller to pack more on the screen.
Click the drop-down menu for a list of predefined options.
The Display Scale drop-down menu options
Upon changing the option, you'll need to restart the editor to apply the changes. Click the restart editor button that appears at the bottom of the window to do so.
The restart editor button at the bottom of the window
The options in the list don't work for me, can I have more control?
Yes, you can set a custom zoom level with more precision.
For that, turn on the check box next to custom display scale, and then use the slider next to the setting or click the label to type a number manually.
A value of 1.0 corresponds to a 100% scale. So for example, if you want a 140% scale, you can set the value to 1.4.
The custom display scale setting

Editor theme

By default, Godot looks a bit dark. You may want to use a light color scheme instead. If you work in a very bright environment. You can change that using the theme settings.
The theme drop down
Click the drop down menu to see the list of options.
Additionally to the light theme, you also have a handful of predefined colors.
  • Theme Presets: Select from predefined theme options, including Light and Dark modes.
  • Primary and Accent Colors: Customize the primary and accent colors to change the overall tone of the editor.
  • Custom Themes: Import themes created by the community for a unique look.
Can I customize the colors more?
Yes, you can! Actually, you can even find more themes created by other people online, like this one by passive star on Github
Passivestar's theme screenshot
The editor gives you the option to pick two colors to quickly change the overall tone of the editor.
base color and accent color widgets
You can also use the text fonts used to display all the text in the menus, the docks, and even the text font use for code:
  • Interface Font: Change the font used across the editor's interface for better readability or aesthetic preference.
  • Code Font: Customize the font used in the script editor, optimizing for readability and comfort during long coding sessions.

Type hints

To enable type hints in autocomplete suggestions:
  1. Go to the Text EditorCompletion settings.
  2. Find the Type Hints setting.
  3. Check it on
type hints
We highly recommend always having this on!

Autocomplete delay

The Autocomplete Delay setting controls how quickly suggestions appear as you type in the script editor. Adjusting this setting can make the editor feel more responsive by reducing the delay before suggestions appear, helping you code faster and more efficiently.
To adjust the autocomplete delay:
  1. Go to the Text EditorCompletion settings.
  2. Find the Autocomplete Delay setting.
  3. Set the delay in milliseconds according to your preference, with a lower value for faster response times.
Autocomplete delay slider
This setting is particularly useful for developers looking to optimize their coding experience for speed and efficiency.

Idle parse delay

The Idle Parse Delay setting determines how long the editor waits before parsing your code for errors after you've stopped typing. This feature helps in managing the balance between immediate feedback and the editor's performance.
To adjust the idle parse delay:
  1. Go to the Text EditorCompletion settings.
  2. Locate the Idle Parse Delay setting.
  3. Customize the delay time in seconds to suit your workflow, with shorter times for quicker feedback and longer delays for less interruption during typing.
Idle parse delay slider
By fine-tuning this setting, you can achieve a balance that suits your coding habits, allowing for a smoother development experience in Godot.
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