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Using the course interface

In this guide, you'll get an overview of the course interface on desktop. This will help you navigate the course and access all the resources you need to learn game development with Godot.
We've taken inspiration from textbooks for this platform and enhanced it with features to make learning more streamlined and enjoyable.

Overview of the course interface

The course interface is designed to keep things flowing and make it easy to find what you need. The lesson content is in the central column. All contextual content, such as user guides and glossary entries, opens in modal panels, so you can easily jump back to where you were.
Let's look at the main components of the interface.
On the left side, you can find the navigation menu. It shows you where you are currently in the course and lists all the modules, lessons, and study guides included. It also lists the sections of the lesson you're currently looking at. You can use it to navigate to a different lesson, to different sections of a lesson, to a different module, and to see how the course is structured and where you are in the course.
Navigation menu
You will find the lesson content and quick access buttons in the central column. It's where you can follow along with the lessons.
The quick access buttons are in a vertical bar along the right edge of the central column. They follow you as you read through the lesson and let you quickly jump to the questions, glossary, and previous and next lessons.
Lesson content and quick access buttons
On the right side, you will find everything related to the lesson but not directly part of it. This includes:
  • Another access to the glossary, which lists and explains lots of technical terms we'll encounter when learning game development.
  • Access to these user guides.
  • Links to resources related to the lesson to help you dive deeper into a given topic.
  • Side notes and anecdotes that are not directly part of the lesson flow but that you may be curious about. They're like margin notes in a textbook.
Lesson resources
Finally, at the bottom, you will find questions and answers. There, you can find questions from fellow learners and answers related to the lesson. You can also ask your question if it hasn't been answered.
Notice how the quick access buttons follow you down there for easy navigation.
Questions and answers

Accessing the glossary

In the lessons, you'll encounter highlighted terms. Click them to open the term's glossary page in a modal panel. It's a quick way to look up the meaning of a term without leaving the lesson.
When looking at a glossary entry, click the X button at the top-right corner of the modal panel to close it. You can also click on the darkened area around the modal panel.
You can also access the complete glossary from the quick access buttons on the right side of the lesson content. It lists all the terms you'll encounter in the course and lets you quickly look up their meaning.
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